When We Lose One Blessing

“When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.” ―C.S. [...]

If I Had a Flower

“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you…I could walk through [...]

Be Thankful For What You Have

“Be thankful for what you have. Be thankful for what you wish you have. Be [...]

Everything You Experience is a Blessing

“Everything you experience is a blessing and pushes you toward realizing your true self.” ―Vivian [...]

Blessed Indeed Is The Man

“Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father.” ― Lydia [...]

One Lives in the Hope

“One lives in the hope of becoming a memory.” ― Antonio Porchia

Be as a Bird

Version 1 “Be as a bird, who, halting in her flight on a limb too [...]

Be Glad of Life

“Be glad of life because it give you a chance to live and to work [...]

I Was Born to Catch Dragons

“I was born to catch dragons in their dens and pick flowers.  To tell tales [...]

You Have Given Me a Gift

“You have given me a gift such as I never even dreamt of finding in [...]

Cherished Prints